• Weleda contributes to a world in which people and biodiversity thrive. The UEBT label for “SOURCING WITH RESPECT” certifies that biodiversity is being protected during the cultivation, harvesting and further processing of the natural ingredients we use. It also shows our commitment to paying everyone in our supply chain fair wages and treating them with respect.
  • Skincare products bearing the NATRUE seal do not contain any microplastics or silicones. In order for natural cosmetics to be NATRUE-certified, their ingredients must be readily biodegradable and made from natural, non-GMO, renewable sources, and manufactured using environmentally-friendly processes.
  • Business as a force for good – this is the underlying vision of B Lab. Founded in 2006 in the USA, this non-profit organisation certifies for-profit companies as B Corporations – B Corps for short. The “B” stands for beneficial and the benefit to society and the environment these businesses are providing. Since 2021 Weleda has B Corp Certificate.
  • DAAB (Deutscher Allergie-und Asthmabund E.v), – German allergy and asthma Union – is one of the most old and big unions of patients and users. He checked and granted his sign of almond and white mallow series. These products are permitted for allergic and neurodermant skin.


In 1997, “ecobrands georgia”  was founded as exclusive WELEDA distribution partner in Georgia. Nowadays, it carries out the import and distribution of cosmetic products and remedies mainly through pharmacy networks. In addition, “ecobrands georgia” is operating a retail- and online-shop (weledashop.ge) and promotes brand awareness.

This year “ecobrands georgia” celebrates the 27th anniversary of its foundation. The successful development during this period would not have been possible without the selfless work of its employees. It is thanks to their enthusiasm and commitment to the distribution of WELEDA products in Georgia for many years that in 2019,2020 and 2021 the WELEDA Baby Care Line was voted the most popular brand, the “Golden Brand” by consumers.


Since the company’s founding in 1921, Weleda has been acting sociallyenvironmentally and economically responsibly in all its business operations from the procurement of raw materials to the manufacture of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, packaging and distribution.

Weleda also grows medicinal plants and runs its own tincture production facility, where there is further processing of raw materials through distillation, extraction or potentising. Although some of our methods have changed over time, we have always been true to ourselves, our founders and our values. Socially, environmentally and economically we have operate on the same principles since founding. We truly believe that it is this consistency which makes a positive difference to the world.

The 2022 brand activity is associated with the care of soil. “Save the Earth Skin” is the slogan of his year.

All products are climate-neutral since 2022. From this year, it will carry out 1% of the annual global sales in climate protection, biodiversity conservation and soil fertility.